1. Members of GYAB are given a chance to improve their social skills and build new
friendships in a relaxed and informal setting, without the usual academic pressures.
2. Those who are lacking in academic achievement are given the opportunity to discover
and develop additional talents and skills by contributing to our music, drama, cookery
and art sessions.
3. Some of our participants come from complicated or problematic backgrounds and
experience emotional difficulties; GYAB offers them practical, personal support,
including therapy if necessary. This boosts their self-esteem and gives them the tools to
overcome their challenges.
4. Many of our programmes serve to strengthen the family unit and give busy parents a
chance to spend quality time with their children.
5. Some campaigns introduce children to the benefits of healthy eating and encourages
children to eat responsibly. This program has greatly reduced the risk of anorexia,
bulimia, obesity and other eating disorders that may otherwise develop.
6. All GYAB’s programmes are led by sincere, caring and experienced volunteers who
strive to instil each camper with a strong moral compass. GYAB teaches values such as
empathy, decency, selflessness and teamwork, and this helps develop character and build
inner strength. As a result, a lot of our alumni have moved on to volunteering their time
and energy for GYAB or other good causes.
7. An emphasis on caring for and mentoring each individual helps them to face and cope
with their own particular challenges and build on their own strengths and abilities. The
young people are encouraged to assume responsibilities within the programme,
improving their feelings of self-worth and self-confidence, nurturing their own abilities,
and leading them to a better future.